There are 70 teachers total at the school.
Ms. G works tirelessly
Going through a separation,
Maintaining her expectations,
She's the pinnacle of integration.
Loving each kid in her small nation.
The classroom shines, and so does she.
Ms. C works one on one
To make math "fun"
From the mouth's of tweenage son
"She makes class great for everyone."
It's her determination
To change and shape the future nation.
The classroom radiates, and so does she.
Mr. S sits at his computer.
He smiles and watches the laughter
It's his first year, amateur
Get out your cell phones, he told her.
But It's not allowed, sir!
The classroom's turbid, and so is he.
There are 11 male teachers at this school.
There are 70 teachers total.
There were three TOY candidates.
Guess who won?
Shining is not the one.
Radiating is not the one.
Murky, and soiled, he won.
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